Message from CEO

ThroughTek (TUTK) has released our Corporate Social Responsibility Best Practice Principles starting from October 2017. As the scope of sustainable development issues broadens, our Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles in 2023 extend beyond establishing corporate governance as the operational foundation. By promoting various systems and activities, we also encourage each colleague to implement Environmental Sustainability and participate in Social Participation. From the management level to all colleagues, this ensures all stakeholders’ rights and interests in every aspect.

CEO Patrick

CEO – Patrick Kuo

The year 2023 was crucial for global citizens, marked by concerns highlighted in the “Global Risks Report 2023” published by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in January. The report underscores the substantial risks posed by natural and man-made disasters and the turbulence in the global inflation and political and economic environment. Notably, the increasing frequency of extreme climate disasters due to global warming sets a wake-up call, evident in multiple historical records for climate indicators this year. The evolving global risk landscape, characterized by numerous crises as the new normal, necessitates a heightened focus on net-zero carbon reduction and sustainable management.

As a provider of information services, ThroughTek prioritizes operational efficiency and quality customer services. To achieve this, we intensify efforts in digital transformation, investing in information security, operational continuity, disaster recovery, and ongoing research and development to meet the diverse market needs for cloud services. ThroughTek is committed to providing “One-Stop Cloud Services” to customers and the industry. We continuously develop a range of cloud services and applications, enabling customers to grow and expand in the cloud with us. Our vision is for ThroughTek to emerge as the premier partner for customers and Taiwan’s Internet of Things (IoT) industry in digital transformation and technical support.

ThroughTek will be guided by the realization of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while adhering to the spirit and principles of “effectiveness, responsibility, and mutual trust” and our commitment to providing customers with world-class cloud services. Stakeholder responsibilities and commitments to employees, shareholders, customers, society, government, and so on constitute the driving force behind our corporate operations. We focus on developing core cloud service technology and implementing our sustainable development orientation. Through our core technology, we assist customers in achieving digital transformation and net-zero carbon reduction goals. Simultaneously, we rigorously monitor and implement risk management, enhancing core competitiveness as we move towards sustainable management and steady growth to meet shareholder and public expectations for ThroughTek.