We are accustomed to browsing online news or shopping on online stores through URL (Uniform Resource Locator) web address, which requires DNS (Domain Name System) to convert URLs to IP (Internet Protocol) addresses and connect to a server. Every smartphone, computer, and IoT sensor connected to the Internet needs a numerical IP address to communicate between other devices. This original unique, numerical scheme, called IPv4, is running out of addresses due to its widespread usage from being connected to so many devices. Therefore, in the mid-1990s, NAT (Network Address Translation) was developed and applied as a solution for the IPv4 shortage. It is commonly used when there are multiple hosts that need to access the Internet from the private network to the public Internet. NAT is able to link to the Internet through one IP address from a private network but not vice-versa. Thus, NAT has also hit a wall of limitation. ThroughTek’s P2P Connection Technology is one of the solutions that can penetrate the NAT and solve this issue.

The Fundamentals of ThroughTek’s P2P Connection Technology

ThroughTek’s P2P Connection Technology involves four essential elements: Master server, P2P server, Device, and Client, and requires actions from each element to successfully set up the connection.

  • Master Server: The Master Server, operated and managed by ThroughTek, is used to verify the authorities of ThroughTek UID (Unique ID) and provide the list of P2P servers that the Device and Client requires.
  • P2P Server: The P2P Server can be operated and managed by ThroughTek or by the customer, and is responsible for establishing a P2P connection between Device and Client.
  • Device: The Device is required to install ThroughTek’s SDKs and UID to assemble a connection via the P2P Server.
  • Client: The Client is an App that is used by an end-user.

ThroughTek’s P2P Connection Technology Operating Process

The Device:

  1. The Device accesses the Master Server and asks it to verify the authority of its UID.
  2. If the UID is valid and authentic, the Master Server will provide the P2P Server list to the Device.
  3. The Device will access the P2P Server on the list to log in.
  4. The P2P Server will provide the P2P penetration service to the Device.

The Client:

  1. The Client accesses the Master Server to verify the authority of its UID.
  2. If the UID is valid and authentic, the Master Server will provide the P2P Server list to the Client.
  3. The Client will connect to the P2P Server and ask for a connection.
  4. The P2P Server will provide the P2P penetration service to the Client.

The Device & The Client:
Once the P2P connection is established, the Device and the Client will connect to each other directly, and the Master Server and the P2P Server will withdraw from the connection process.
ThroughTek P2P Connection Technology not only solves the NAT penetration issue, but also provides a full communication infrastructure that allows the Device and the Client to interconnect directly.

The Benefits of ThroughTek’s P2P Connection Technology

ThroughTek’s P2P Connection Technology allows the Client to access and control the Device directly; moreover, it offers significant benefits as below:
  • High Penetration Rate: enables the device to interconnect, regardless of the brand of the device or the communication protocol used.
  • Smart Assistant Compatibility: Compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and other smart assistants that enables IoT devices to integrate into smart home solutions easily.
  • Price Transparency: The P2P Connection fee is based on the amount of bandwidth used, and ThroughTek provides Kalay Developer Console that allows our customers to review the amount of bandwidth used.
  • Safe and Secure:  ThroughTek’s decentralized structure allows end-users to interact directly with their devices without any data stored in the cloud. ThroughTek reassures a top-of-the-line data transfer security with DTLS 1.2 protocol.
  • Product Development Boost: Supports more than 290+ SoCs, enabling connectivity and integration of ThroughTek’s Kalay Platform to shorten development processes.

Application Scenario

Due to the features of P2P Connection Technology, the technology has been widely used in various devices, including IP cameras, baby monitors, pet cameras, smart door locks, etc.

  • IP Cam: ThroughTek’s P2P connection technology is particularly suitable to apply on IP cam, and it enables service providers to create VSaaS (Video Surveillance as a Service solution) with video streaming, event recording, etc. for end-users.
  • Baby Cam: It is impossible for parents to accompany the baby all the time. Through the P2P Connection technology, baby cams allow parents to watch their babies at any time and learn the babies’ activities even if they leave.
  • Pet Cam: With ThroughTek’s P2P Connection, Pet cams enable pet parents to watch a variety of dangerous and potentially life-threatening situations in time, from burglaries to the consumption of toxic foods.
  • Smart Door Lock: a smart door lock includes a video doorbell function that enables the user to see who is at the door and answer the door via the smartphone app at any time from anywhere. Additionally, a burglar may ring the doorbell to see if anyone is at home before breaking into the house, therefore, answering the doors in real time could prevent a burglar from attempting to enter the house.

ThroughTek’s P2P Connection Technology has shown it can be adopted in various products and will be featured in more applications in the future.

ThroughTek (TUTK), a solution provider of IoT cloud platforms, has been developing various cloud PaaS solutions with IoT technologies, and it aims to support enterprises from different fields to enter IoT markets and captivate the dynamic markets. To learn more about how we can benefit your business, please visit our website or contact us at marketing.en@tutk.com.

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